Return Guarantee
Return Guarantee
If the product arrives damaged or in poor condition and/or you wish to make a return. you have 30 days to process it. the transportation is at the costumer's expense.
Shipping is paid by the costumer.
Free and Insured shipping
Free and Insured shipping
The shipments are completely free.
Due to high order demand, order processing time may take up to 3 to 5 business days.
Shipment take 6 to 10 business days depending on de destination.
Discount until December 31.
Discount until December 31.
Once the offer ends, product will return to their original price.
Umbrella humidifier: Rain, Scents, and Light in one product.
This innovates umbrella-shaped humidifier releases water in the form of rain, dispersing relaxing scents and creating a unique atmosphere with soft lights. Perfect for enhancing your well-being a decor.
Umbrella Humidifier: Colorful Lights and a Unique. atmosphere.
This umbrella humidifier creates a cool atmosphere with colorful lights that change to your liking, adding a personalized and relaxing touch to your space. Perfect for transforming any environment.
Umbrella humidifier: the Perfect Lights and Atmosphere for the Family.
This umbrella-shaped humidifier, with customizable colorful lights, crates a warm and relaxing atmosphere for family enjoyment. Perfect for adding a special touch to your home.